If you have ever had a reason to ask people or search the internet for the actual cost of installing a car tracker in Nigeria, then this article right here is just for you.
In this article, you will not only learn the average cost of car tracker installation in Nigeria, you will also find out the best tracker that suits your need and even come to appreciate the reasons behind the varying prices of vehicle trackers and installation.
You will agree with me that there has been a rapid demand for car trackers lately. This is because car theft and vandalism has become a major concern for vehicles in this country. So, as a car owner in Nigeria, one of your smartest acquisitions would be the purchase of a car tracker that can guarantee the smooth recovery of your vehicle in case of theft.
There are a number of factors that can determine the price you will be getting that car tracker and they are as follows:
It is no longer a secret that more than 90% of our imports in this country come from China. It is also no longer a secret that Chinese manufacturers have a habit of churning out same products but with a varying degree in quality, the better the quality of the product, the higher the price.
Let me explain better. For example, if you want a 1000 naira Android phone charger from China that probably won’t last for more than one month, Chinese manufacturers got you covered. The same Chinese manufacturer also has on sale a 10,000 naira Android phone charger that will last for years. In summary, the price determines the quality. It is basically a Chinese manufacturing philosophy.
Back to the tracker conversation, there are some cheap trackers in the Nigerian market that will not last for more than 6 months at most. This is due to the inferior quality of its components. On the other hand, there are some high quality trackers that will continue to serve you for the next 5 years.
A quality tracker must be durable enough to withstand heat, temperature and other adverse conditions that a vehicle daily usage will most certainly bring upon it.
At cartrackernigeria.ng , we believe that car security is so sensitive and of high importance. Therefore, a factor as important as tracker quality should not be compromised or trivialized when deciding on the car tracker to buy. Let me ask you, of what use is a car tracker that most uncertain to serve it’s purpose at that very crucial moment when the car owner needs to recover his or her car from car thieves.
With almost every new year comes the introduction of new and more sophisticated and advanced features that are beyond the capability of a basic tracker. You might be wondering what I mean by a Basic tracker. By a basic tracker, I mean a tracker with basic tracking functionalities such as being able to track live location, remote car engine control, geo fencing and etc, but there are also advanced trackers in the market that does just more than the basics.
These advanced trackers have advanced GPS technology that gives you an edge when your vehicle gets to remote and rural areas where there is little or no network coverage.
They have fuel monitor features that helps you track your vehicle fuel consumption in real time and also alerts you when your fuel or diesel is being stolen from the tank.
These advanced trackers have weather forecast features that notifies you or your driver about possible weather changes in the destination you are headed for.
These advanced trackers also have the capacity to give you an insight into the driving behaviour/pattern of your driver when on the road.
Infact, some of these advanced trackers have artificial intelligence modification.
Therefore, the wide difference in functionality and capacity is a major reason for difference in the prices of trackers.
Subscription cost/charges vary from company to company and this cost is usually factored into the total cost of buying and installing a tracker.
While subscription fee is renewable every year for some Tracking companies, for some other companies, it is renewable on a monthly basis.
Also, Subscription can be optional for some companies, while some companies mandate their customers to subscribe to their renewable plans.
In case you are wondering what subscription fee entail. It is the cost of renting a sim card and the cost of the data consumption of your tracker.
As you must know, every tracker has a sim port and requires a sim card to be permanently lodged inside. No tracker can function without a sim card from a reliable network provider.
We cannot have this conversation without first acknowledging that the incessant fluctuation of dollar rates in Nigeria means that Naira quoted prices can quickly go up or down depending on the direction dollar goes.
At the time of writing this article,
*Basic car tracker plus installation costs between 50,000 naira to 60 thousand naira
*Premium car tracker plus installation costs between 60,000 naira to 100,000 naira
*Advanced tracker costs 100,000 naira and above.
At www.cartrackernigeria.ng , what we have been able to do in the face of price instability owing to dollar hike and in a bid to ensure that our customers get value for money spent is that we collapsed all our plans into a package we call “ADVANCED”.
Our Advanced package allow customers to be able to get our best services and products from between 60,000 naira and 70,000 naira.
With this package, our customers are able to:
*Track their vehicles on their own phones via our mobile app
*SMS Engine control
*Web based vehicle tracking
*Geo fencing
*Voice monitor
*Back up battery
*Retrace one year tracking record/history of their vehicle itinerary
*12 months/one year warranty on tracker purchase
*24 hours Customer service support
*Fleet management service offer at reasonable premium
*Customer gets multiple user access on our mobile app
In conclusion, while price affordability is a very strong and important factor to consider when deciding on which car tracker to settle for, I want you to remember the popular saying of an Oxford scholar named Robert Burton in his book, Anatomy of Melancholy where he first said the now famous phrase “PENNY WISE, POUND FOOLISH”
It is very important to consider all the factors I have mentioned in this article before making a decision.
One other factor I did not mention but that is actually worthy of mention is the reputation of the tracking company you are contracting.
Fortunately, we already have a very strong and positive reputation at www.cartrackernigeria.ng coupled with at least 2 decades of experience in the car tracking industry in Nigeria.
It is my believe that we are your best bet and you should give us a try.